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European Doctorate in ARchaeological and Cultural Heritage MATerials science (ED-ARCHMAT)



The European Joint Doctorate in Archaeological and Cultural Heritage MATerials Science (ED-ARCHMAT) is an EU-funded Marie Skłodowska Curie Action Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN) under the HORIZON 2020 Program whose goal is to provide future leading professionals with the interdisciplinary and intersectoral knowledge, skills and competences needed to address the challenges faced in the analysis, valorization, conservation and fruition for future generations of Cultural Heritage.

A total of 13 Early Stage Researcher (ESR) positions (PhD studentships) are available for 36 months from October/November 2018 onwards within the European Joint Doctorate ED-ARCHMAT



The need for a common language between all members of the Cultural Heritage community is widely recognized.

The increasing development of more sophisticated diagnostic techniques and ICT tools is now providing long awaited answers to variety of Cultural Heritage Materials issues:

→ provenance and sources of ancient materials 
→ production techniques 
→ ancient commercial routes 
→ authentication 
→ conservation (durability, compatibility and effectiveness of restoration methods and products)

A knowledge gap urgently needs to be bridged.



To form a new generation of Conservation Science professionals equipped with knowledge, skills and competences and skills [(as defined in European Qualification Framework (EQF)] spanning different sectors such as Physical and Chemical Science, Cultural Heritage, Conservation, Archaeology, Museology, Art History, Project Management, IT.



To provide an opportunity to young ESRs not only to continue their research careers at top ranked universities and well-established private enterprises but also to have the necessary knowledge, skills and competences tools required to start their own business in the Cultural Heritage sector.


For further details, see HERE


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme H2020-MSCA- ITN-2017- EJD: Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (European Joint Doctorate) – Grant agreement nº: 766311 – ED-ARCHMAT.


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© BGU Microarchaeology all rights reserved

© BGU Microarchaeology all rights reserved

BGU-Related ESR

ESR5: The Emergence of Copper Pyrotechnology in Western Asia.                               DETAILS 

ESR6: Technology and Provenance of Inscribed and Stamped Documents on Clay.      DETAILS 

ESR3: Scanner XRF for 2D elemental mapping imaging for Cultural Heritage             DETAILS 

ESR10: Advanced Chemical analysis of organic materials from animal mummies in Ancient Egypt.  DETAILS 

IMPORTANT: ESR requirements for BGU:

•  M.A. / M.Sc. degree (i.e. 2° level title, as defined by the Bologna Process) in archaeology or a related topic (i.e., art history, anthropology, etc.), or in material engineering, geology, etc., issued by an officially recognised academic institution, which grants admission in PhD programs in the country of issuance;

•  Knowledge of the English language, with certificate (regardless of the date of obtainment:) such as one of the language certificates recognized equivalent to IELTS 5.0 by the Foreign Languages Centre and detained at the webpage: or a declaration of having a Ba. and/or M.Sc. degree issued by a University in which courses are taught in English, i.e. “The medium of instruction was English”. Or, valid GRE® General Test, possessed by the application deadline.

The start of the PhD Programme is 1st November 2018 and candidates should arrive at BGU by the October 14th 2018 at the latest.

Doctoral Training Programme : The minimum stay at Ben Gurion University of the Negev for being awarded the PhD Title is 18 months and the secondment periods must comply with this.

Candidates are required to meet the following criteria detailed at the following link: 

All these requirements should appear on the student personal page in order to be admitted to the final exam.

Please note the local requirements for doctoral studies at Ben Gurion University of the Negev, as specified in the following link: , including mandatory credits, progress reports, and the appointment of a Graduate students' Committee of the Kreitman School.

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